This week-end I'm attending a Beth Moore Loving Well Mini Retreat at my church. Loving well--how is that done?
Because we are imperfect people, we cannot love well on our own. We must draw on God's love, whether the people in our lives bring us joy or sorrow, whether they are near or far away. The beautiful thing, the one sure thing in life, is that His love is endless. He draws from an infinite supply--Himself. For God IS love.
Our friends across the street visited China again this year and brought me back a beautiful sterling silver pendant with the Chinese figures spelling it out: God is love. How grateful I am that loving well does not depend on myself. For I know what a frail vessel I can be.
Whatever challenges you face, remember that God is love. Draw on His love and strength today!
New Release Spotlight: Jamie Ogle
1 week ago