Our beloved pastor, Winston Gee, went to his reward seventeen years ago this past week. Though gone, he will never be forgotten by those who were privileged to know him.
Because of his love for--and trust in--the Lord, Winston exemplified what a walk of faith looks like. He was a straightforward, step up to the plate, can-do sort of guy. An encourager of the first order! Whenever his "sheep" suffered loss, we all knew Winston would pick us up, dust us off, and put us back in the game. Perhaps that's one reason so many of us, men and women alike, still tear up when we think of him. We miss him.
His family misses him most of all. But, as his children have grown and had children of their own, Winston continues to live on in their recollections of him. Testimony to the presence of a great man, they are his legacy.
Watching Winston's grandchildren mature and make their way in the world, I am reminded of many scriptures that speak of the blessings accruing to a man who fears the LORD. (Read Psalm 127 and 128, for example.)
And I wonder--can these things be said of me? Of you? Can we claim these blessings as our own?
Winston would say, "You bet. God is no respecter of persons. What He says in His word applies to everyone." Then he'd grin and say, "Just wait till you get here! You're not gonna believe how great Heaven is!"
New Release Spotlight: Jamie Ogle
1 week ago