Saturday, November 14, 2009

A String of Selah Pearls - Psalm 81:7

Positioned gracefully across the Book of Psalms is a string of seventy-one pearls, lovely beads of wisdom followed by the admonition SELAH which means, “Pause, think on these things, meditate.”

Psalm 81:7 “In your distress you called and I rescued you, I answered you out of a thundercloud; I tested you at the waters of Meribah.  Selah.”


So, has all this waiting, Father, been my “testing at the waters of Meribah”?  If so, how did I do?

Have I been like the Israelite, freed from slavery and yet griping because I had no water or fresh vegetables?  Have I forgotten so soon how you freed my soul and are in the process of leading me to the Promised Land?  Have I been grousing because I had a little itch that you hadn’t scratched yet?

Or have I been like Moses, who struck the rock twice in a pique of anger?  Disobeying your clear instructions, he diminished your holiness in the eyes of the people. 

Oh, God, I fear I have been like them all.  I don’t deserve to go into the Promised Land.

“I know.  But Jesus paid for that, my daughter.  Come on Home.”


Look up: Numbers 20:1-13

Friday, November 13, 2009

A String of Selah Pearls - Psalm 77:14-15

Positioned gracefully across the Book of Psalms is a string of seventy-one pearls, lovely beads of wisdom followed by the admonition SELAH which means, “Pause, think on these things, meditate.”    

Psalm 77:14-15 “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.  With your mighty arm you redeemed your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.  Selah.”


Now we’re talking!  Now we’re remembering who you are, what you did for your people in former days, and what you are capable of doing for us.

You made the world and everything in it.  You spoke and there was light.  You made man, loved us, forgave us, died for us.  You healed the sick and raised the dead.  You turned water into wine, calmed the seas, moved mountains. You opened peoples’ eyes and their hearts. You redeemed your people. You redeemed me! 

 You are a miracle worker!

A miracle for me would be the redemption of my people, my loved ones.  Another miracle would be a display of your power among the peoples, so all the world would know that YOU ARE GOD!

Please, Father.  Remember me with a miracle.  I’m your daughter, the one in whom you delight, the one who calls collect and you always accept the charges, your princess.

“All in due time, my miracle child.”


Look up: I Corinthians 15:8; Galatians 4:3-6; Philippians 2:10-11

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A String of Selah Pearls - Psalm 77:9

Positioned gracefully across the Book of Psalms is a string of seventy-one pearls, lovely beads of wisdom followed by the admonition SELAH which means, “Pause, think on these things, meditate.”   

Psalm 77:9  
“Has God forgotten to be merciful?  Has he in anger withheld his compassion? Selah”


This sounds familiar!

How like me to judge you, God, according to my own past performance.  Because I may have withheld loving compassion for reasons too numerous to mention, I suspect that of you.

But you are not like me.  Your ways are not my ways.  Far from basing your love on my performance, your love is unconditional, your faithfulness unfailing.

You cherish your creation, so much so that you sent your only Son to suffer and die in payment for our sins. You crucified your own flesh and blood and, in Jesus, you freely give us all things—no strings attached!

If you would do that, how could I ever question your constant goodwill and love toward me?  Help me to be still . . . and wait for your perfect plan to unfold.


Look up: Psalm 18:25-26; Isaiah 55:8-9; Ephesians 2:8-9;
John 3:16; Romans 5:10-11; Psalm 46:10

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A String of Selah Pearls - Psalm 77:1-3

Positioned gracefully across the Book of Psalms is a string of seventy-one pearls, lovely beads of wisdom followed by the admonition SELAH which means, “Pause, think on these things, meditate.”   

Psalm 77:1-3 “I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me.  When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands and my soul refused to be comforted.  I remembered you, O God, and I groaned; I mused, and my spirit grew faint.  Selah.”


Help!  I’m at the end of my rope!  I’ve called and I’ve called; and you, God, haven’t answered me.  Are you ignoring  my cries, my distress, my pleading?  What am I to do?  What will it take for you to notice me?


Then I remember the God of my past, the faithful Father who has picked me up, dusted me off, set me on a straight course, and let me go . . . teaching me to walk!

I veer, stumble, even fall at times.  But caring parent that you are, you wait, knowing I must learn to walk on my own.  You’re there, ready to come to my aid, should I really need it. You've proven your love for me time and again.

Groan.  What a whiner!  Thank you for continuing the tedious job of growing me up.  Do you think I’ll ever be ready to run?


Look up: Hebrews 13:5; Isaiah 66:12-14

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A String of Selah Pearls - Psalm 76:7-9

Positioned gracefully across the Book of Psalms is a string of seventy-one pearls, lovely beads of wisdom followed by the admonition SELAH which means, “Pause, think on these things, meditate.”   

Psalm 76:7-9 “You alone are to be feared. Who can stand before you when you are angry?  From heaven you pronounced judgment, and the land feared and was quiet—when you, O God, rose up to judge, to save all the afflicted of the land.  Selah.”


In Psalm 46:1-3 we talked about the things we feared, large and small, real and imagined; and we concluded that we are safe in God’s presence.  Yet here the psalmist is saying that of all things God is most to be feared.  In fact, he alone is to be feared.  I cowered for a moment, baffled.

Then I saw it: God’s people need not fear his judgment. Yes, he will rise up to judge, even from heaven.  But the judgment is not against his people, it is against those who afflict them.  This is that long-awaited judgment that the psalmist repeatedly has been seeking.

Sometimes the wait seems long, the enemies strong, and the outcome wrong.  It is at those times that this pearl can be picked up, examined, and enjoyed for all it’s worth.


Look up:Romans 8:31-32; Proverbs 3:5-6; I John 5:4

Monday, November 9, 2009

A String of Selah Pearls - Psalm 76:1-3

Positioned gracefully across the Book of Psalms is a string of seventy-one pearls, lovely beads of wisdom followed by the admonition SELAH which means, “Pause, think on these things, meditate.”   

Psalm 76:1-3 “In Judah God is known; his name is great in Israel.  His tent is in Salem, his dwelling place in Zion.  There he broke the flashing arrows, the shields and the swords, the weapons of war.  Selah.”


I confess.  When I came to this pearl, I hit a wall.  What did it mean . . . to me?  What personal application could I make? For several days I stewed over it.  Then I came upon Psalm 125:1 which says, “Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” (NKJV)

That means . . . when I trust in the LORD, I am like Mount Zion, God’s dwelling place.  He dwells in me.  Think about it!
               No flashing arrows or shields,  
               no swords or weapons of war, 
               not even fiery darts can get through.
      I am assured of victory!

And so is everyone who trusts in him.  Turns out this pearl means a great deal to me.


Look up: Psalm 27: 4; 55:22; 66:9; Proverbs 3:5-6; Isaiah 26:3