Wednesday, March 17, 2010

God's Goodness

Repeat after me, "God is good all the time--all the time God is good." This is more than a group chant--it's an eternal truth!

I love Psalm 31:19:

"How great is your goodness, 
which you have stored up for those who fear you, 
which you bestow in the sight of men
on those who take refuge in you."

How significant that it doesn't say, "How good is your greatness which you have stored up for those who fear you." 

Imagine if it said that! Why, we'd all be striving for greatness instead of goodness. Isn't that what got Satan in trouble . . . striving for greatness?

God wants to shower us with goodness, and He has a storehouse of it to lavish on those who take refuge in him--those who, like children, flock to their beloved father.

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