Saturday, November 21, 2009

A String of Selah Pearls - Psalm 87:3

Positioned gracefully across the Book of Psalms is a string of seventy-one pearls, lovely beads of wisdom followed by the admonition SELAH which means, “Pause, think on these things, meditate.”   

Psalm 87:3   “Glorious things are said of you, O city of God.  Selah.”


O city of God, I want to visit you so I can—

  •           Pray in the Garden of Gethsemane (and picture my Savior interceding for me),
  •           Walk the cobbled streets that Jesus walked (reverently taking up the cross),
  •            Ponder the crucifixion at Golgotha (and weep along with His mother),
  •            Rejoice at the tomb of the resurrection (and run to tell others)!

I also want to visit Jerusalem to get the “before” picture since I expect to spend a lot of time in the New Jerusalem, the Holy City, where I plan to—

  •      Praise Christ alongside the elders and angels,
  •      Walk the streets of gold—with Jesus,
  •      Thank him in person for dying for me, and
  •     Sing heavenly alleluias to the Lamb that was slain—and rose again!

Glorious things are said of you, O city of God.  And we haven’t even seen the “after” picture yet.


Look up: Matthew 16:24; 26:40-41; John 19:25-26;
Matthew 28:1-8; Revelation 4:3-6; 19:4-6; 21:21.

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