Monday, October 12, 2009

A String of Selah Pearls - Psalm 50:3-6

Positioned gracefully across the Book of Psalms is a string of seventy-one pearls, lovely beads of wisdom followed by the admonition SELAH which means, “Pause, think on these things, meditate.”

Psalm 50:3-6 “Our God comes and will not be silent; a fire devours before him, and around him a tempest rages. He summons the heavens above, and the earth, that he may judge his people; ‘Gather to me my consecrated ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice.’ And the heavens proclaim his righteousness, for God himself is judge. Selah.”


When Jesus, God the Son, came the first time, he came as a suffering servant, a lamb who opened not his mouth before his accusers. They mocked him. He was silent.

What could he say? Not guilty? When he knew he was going to die for the sins of the world? With our burden on his shoulders, he stood as guilty as ever one could be. Yet he bore our load of sin with grace and dignity, never retaliating, never threatening, all so that we could become reconciled to a righteous and holy God.

But when Jesus comes again, it will be a different story with a different ending. This time he will not come as a servant and he will not be silent. He will lead the armies of heaven, his eyes ablaze, a sharp sword proceeding out of his mouth. On his robe and on his thigh will be the name KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. At this coming, no one will question who he is.


Look up: John 1:29; Isaiah 53:7; 1 Peter 2:21-23, Revelation 19:12-16

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