Friday, September 18, 2009

A String of Selah Pearls (continued)

Positioned gracefully across the Book of Psalms is a string of seventy-one pearls, lovely beads of wisdom followed by the admonition SELAH which means, “Pause, think on these things, meditate.”

Psalm 3:4 “To the LORD I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill. Selah.”


I cry out and you, my Father, answer.

It’s always the same. I cry. You listen.

You are always there for me . . . with gifts.

I ask, and you give wisdom.

I call, and you show me great things I know nothing about.

Why are you so good to me? You know I have no means of paying you back. Why do you care so much?

“Child, I am your Father. You are my daughter.”

Father, this is your daughter calling (collect, as usual)

to tell you how much I love you,

and to thank you for always being there.


Look up: Hebrews 13:5; James 1:5; Jeremiah 33:3; Psalm 121:8

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